
11:00pm, Friday October 1, 2021


Write a programs that implement breadth-first search (BFS) and A* search for the following problem:

The environment has two kinds of components:

A legal action is to move a block from one place or block onto another place or block

The program must take a single command line argument where the argument will be an ASCII text file representing the initial state and the goal state for the problem. Here is a example format for the input file:

1 C B A
2 C B A

The first three lines represent the initial state and the last three lines represent the goal state. A line starts with the place followed by blocks separated by spaces. The first block on a given line is the lowest block and the last block on a given line is the highest block.

For each search algorithm output the following information:

To make the results deterministic (at least for the BFS case) your algorithm should expand the nodes in the following order exactly:

  1. 1 → 2
  2. 1 → 3
  3. 2 → 1
  4. 2 → 3
  5. 3 → 1
  6. 3 → 2

The results of you program will be evaluated by running your program on the university Linux server. A test case will be considered a failure if the program takes more than 5 minutes to execute. The A* search will be evaluated based on its performance relative to BFS on the same test cases.

The following compilers/interpreters are available on the Linux server:

Getting the Assignment

The starter code for the assignment is on the Linux server at the path:


Turning in the Assignment

You must turn in the following files:

  1. bfs.x – implementation where x is an appropriate file extension
  2. astar.x – implementation where x is an appropriate file extension

The README file should be a plain ASCII text file (not a Word file, not an RTF file, not an HTML file) describing your design decisions. This should also detail your choice of heuristic for A* search. One or two English paragraphs should suffice. Spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation all count.

To submit the assignment, execute the command:

    make submit

from within the assignment directory.

Grading Criteria

Grading (out of 100 points):

Note: if your solution is based on pseudo-code from a source other than the textbook or the lecture slides, then you must cite the source of the pseudo-code. Otherwise, you will receive a grade of zero for this assignment.